About Us

/About Us
About Us2018-12-03T12:30:21+00:00

The Name:

The word “Elpis” is the Greek word for Hope. Sapphire is a gem stone that shines. The idea behind the foundation is to give hope to women suffering breast cancer, support them through their experience until they come out shinning like a sapphire.


Our mandate is to give HOPE to women who have fallen victim to breast cancer.


To restore dreams, hope and life.

How Do We Support Our Clients?

  1. We seek to drive breast cancer awareness
  2. We provide free Mastectomy Bras
  3. We provide free Prosthetic breast forms
  4. We provide moral support
  5. We educate women about self-examination
  6. We educate women about the importance of yearly mammograms.
  7. We organize support groups
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